Monday, October 21, 2019

The John C. Maxwell Collection

A New Collection


        I spend a lot of my time in study, more than my wife would like.  I would consider personal growth a hobby that I am very passionate about.  From time to time I would like to dedicate sections of my blog to writing about authors and other writings or blogs that I enjoy and learn from.  I have decided to start with one of my favorite leadership authors.

        John C. Maxwell is a renowned blogger, author, and public speaker on leadership.  His work is second to none in my opinion.  I contribute a lot of my growth to studying his work.  I have listened to a lot of his audio-books, and have recently started collecting his hard-backs.  Studying this man's work has directly and exponentially taken my leadership game to new levels.

        In my collection I have "Good Leaders Ask Great Questions" and "How to Influence People" both available from John C. Maxwell's store. I also have a collection of his called "The Complete 101 Collection".  To my delight today I ran across The Essential Maxwell Library.  Over time I plan on reading and providing reviews and highlights of each of these as well as how I apply them to my life.  The books contained in this library are "The 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player", "25 Ways to Win with People", "The Difference Maker", and "Leadership Promises for your Work Week".  

        My first exposure with John C. Maxwell was with his Youtube video regarding "The 5 Levels of Leadership".  My exposure to this created a thirst for his leadership teachings that still has not been quenched.  If you are a leader at any level, in any setting, I believe that you could also learn from his material.  I have included links to his blog, the book I am reading next, and his store below. - General page - The book I am currently reading


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post. I hope that you enjoyed it!

  2. I really enjoyed your blog. You seem to be well informed on leadership and working on learning all you can.

    1. Thank you for your feedback. Feel free to sign up to get regular updates on my posts and see my Contact page to link directly with me on Twitter, LinkedIN, Pinterest, and Instagram.
